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Labs for Manufacturing course - Download

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Product description
78 labs for the Manufacturing course. 
Based on Dynamics NAV 2017 but suitable for all versions of Dynamics NAV and Business Central.

Table of content
Introduction .............................................................................................................. 6
Labs ........................................................................................................................... 7
Setup ..................................................................................................................... 7
Lab 1.1 Change profile ...................................................................................... 7
Lab 1.2 Company Setup .................................................................................... 8
Lab 1.3 Manufacturing setup............................................................................ 9
Lab 1.4 Inventory Setup .................................................................................. 10
Lab 1.5 Change the Manufact Gen. Prod. Posting Group ............................... 10
Items ................................................................................................................... 12
Lab 2.1 Create Raw material items ................................................................. 12
Lab 2.2 Create Finished Item .......................................................................... 13
Lab 2.3 Create Subassembly Items ................................................................. 14
Lab 2.4 Create a second Subassembly Item with Item Tracking .................... 14
Lab 2.5 Create a filtered list with the new items ........................................... 15
Bills of materials ................................................................................................. 18
Lab 3.1 Create the subassembly bill of materials ........................................... 18
Lab 3.2 Create finished bill of materials ......................................................... 19
Lab 3.3 Create finished bill of materials with phantom item ......................... 20
Lab 3.4 Create the subassembly bill of materials with routing link ............... 21
Capacities ............................................................................................................ 23
Lab 4.1 Create subcontractor work center group .......................................... 23
Lab 4.2 Create the subcontractor work center .............................................. 24
Lab 4.3 Create quality control production resource ...................................... 25
Routings .............................................................................................................. 27
Lab 5.1 Create subassembly routing .............................................................. 27
Lab 5.2 Create parallel routing for the subassembly item ............................. 28
Lab 5.3 Create finished routing ...................................................................... 30
Lab 5.4 Create finished routing with subcontractor....................................... 31
Lab 5.5 Create subassembly routing with routing link ................................... 32
Putting it all together.......................................................................................... 34
Lab 6.1 Assigning the routing and BOM to the item 91000 & 91001 ............. 34
Lab 6.2 Assigning routing and BOM to the item 90000 .................................. 34
Lab 6.3 Print Detailed Calculation .................................................................. 35
Lab 6.4 the Cost Shares Page .......................................................................... 37
Families ............................................................................................................... 39
Lab 7.1 Create a Family................................................................................... 39
Production Orders .............................................................................................. 41
Lab 8.1 Create simulated production order for item ..................................... 41
Lab 8.2 Change the routing on the simulated production order ................... 43
Lab 8.3 Change the operations on the simulated production order .............. 45
Lab 8.4 Change the production BOM on the simulated production order .... 46
Lab 8.5 Change the components on the simulated production order ........... 48
Lab 8.6 Create planned production order for item ........................................ 50
Lab 8.7 Copy the simulated production order to “planned” .......................... 52
Lab 8.8 Run the planning on the finished and subassembly items ................ 53
Lab 8.9 Change the status to “released” on the simulated production order 54
Lab 8.10 Create a new purchase order for the components.......................... 55
Lab 8.11 Reserve the components from the purchase orders ....................... 57
Lab 8.12 Print the reports about the released production order................... 57
Lab 8.13 Post the purchase orders ................................................................. 58
Processing Production orders ............................................................................. 60
Lab 9.1 Using the production journal ............................................................. 60
Lab 9.2 Using the consumption journal for the subassembly line ................. 63
Lab 9.3 Using the output journal for the subassembly line............................ 65
Lab 9.4 Using the consumption journal for the finished item line ................. 67
Lab 9.5 Using the output journal for the finished item line ........................... 68
Lab 9.6 Handling production orders with subcontractors .............................. 70
Lab 9.7 Flushing both components and time automatically .......................... 72
Lab 9.8 Flushing both components and time with routing link ...................... 74
Lab 9.9 Flushing both components and time automatically with routing link 76
Lab 9.10 Handling items with item tracking ................................................... 77
Lab 9.11 Manufacturing using multiple locations .......................................... 79
Planning .............................................................................................................. 81
Lab 10.1 Create a new set of items ................................................................ 81
Lab 10.2 Create a new set of BOMs ............................................................... 82
Lab 10.3 Attach the new BOMs and old Routings to the new subassembly item ................................................................................................................. 82
Lab 10.4 Attach the new BOMs and old Routings to the new finished item . 83
Lab 10.5 Create new filtered list for items 95000 to 99999 ........................... 83
Lab 10.6 Set work date ................................................................................... 84
Lab 10.7 Create a new Sales order for item 95000 ........................................ 84
Lab 10.8 Run the Order Planning .................................................................... 85
Lab 10.9 Using Order Promising from the sales order ................................... 87
Lab 10.10 Run the MPS and the MRP Planning from the planning worksheet ........................................................................................................................ 89
Lab 10.11 Expand the sales order for item 95000 and rerun the planning .... 91
Lab 10.12 Rerun the planning with Lot accumulation period 1W .................. 92
Lab 10.13 Rerun the planning after sales order has changed ........................ 95
Lab 10.14 Rerun the planning with Rescheduling period 1M ........................ 96
Lab 10.15 Create a production forecast ......................................................... 98
Lab 10.16 Create a blanket order ................................................................. 101
Lab 10.17 Locking the planning flexibility .................................................... 104
Costing .............................................................................................................. 107
Lab 11.1 Set work date ................................................................................. 107
Lab 11.2 Activate the automatic Adjust Cost and Inventory Batch .............. 107
Lab 11.3 Purchase raw materials for the test ............................................... 109
Lab 11.4 Change the settings for the capacities used .................................. 110
Lab 11.5 Change the settings for the finished and the subassembly item... 110
Lab 11.6 Precalculate the Produced item ..................................................... 111
Lab 11.7 Create a released production order and precalculate it ................ 113
Lab 11.8 Post the newly created released production order ....................... 115
Lab 11.9 Verify the final costing of the finished production order .............. 117
Lab 11.10 Map the G/L entries generated by the finished production order ...................................................................................................................... 119
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